The Roots of Hot Yoga
I am grateful for the 28 years of study, practice and community of this yoga.
I felt inspired to share some of the knowledge that has inspired me and helped strengthen me in my life as a student and teacher so far. These are lessons from my teacher, who has taught me all that I know about yoga, and feel blessed and happy to be able to share it with others.
Yoga allows the mind to see life with joy and perspective.
Yoga allows practitioners live life fully with all your dreams coming true.
Don’t waste your time with other things that will not help with your life.
Yoga is a moving meditation.
Chronic disease, negative emotion destroys the biochemistry of the body.
Use the body as a medium to bring the mind back to the brain, yoga is a perfect marriage between the body and mind, then you can knock on the door to the Spirit.
You can learn the philosophy of being a human through the practice of yoga.
All the things in the world cannot make you happy.
Money will not bring spiritualism or humanity in your life.
Most important thing in life is your life.
Challenge yourself to find yourself by practicing yoga.
Spiritualism: born to give: not to get, and in the end of the day you will be a winner.
Yoga will allow you to have the Spiritual consciousness.
In yoga, your mirror, you see through yourself inside out “who you are” what is the ultimate destination of your life, and you find how to get there.
What matters in yoga is not what you do, but rather how you do it or how you try to do it.
Through the practice of yoga: the body becomes healthy, mind becomes in control and leads to a realized soul.
Get out of the booby-trap and blackmail to stop living your life with drugs and distraction from self.
Human is: Body, Mind, Spirit. Yoga is unity of the human being,
Yoga offers, good, peaceful, healthy life.
Heal body from chronic illness, to protect the body for any future problems. Yoga provides self-defense against disease.
Our body is our temple, our mind is our enemy.
26 posture sequence and 2 breathing exercises, will go to bone to the skin, head to the toes, top to bottom, inside/out, clockwise, counter clockwise, 360 degree angle, each and every internal organ, all important glands, all the nerves, ligaments, veins, cells, every molecule and atom it will activate. Re-energize, re-organize, revitalize the entire body.
Yoga maintains youth long, keeps the body full of vitality, immune to diseases even in old, old age.
Yoga is a gas station to recharge the body, mind and spirit.
Spine is the root of all energy of human life. Bad spine: bad life.
Yoga means union: connection between God and all human beings and the union of mind, body, and spirit.
Yoga gives you relaxation and nutrition and increases your life force: energy.
If you cannot do something good, don’t do it, don’t do something wrong, if you are not going to speak the truth, don’t speak, if you are going to give something to someone- do it, but don’t steal.
I hope you enjoyed reading some of the things I have learned from my teacher. May your yoga journey allow you to see yourself and others with the light, love and wisdom that makes you smile.
Shelley Portocarrero and Hot Yoga Plus family